To aid and assist the Widows of Master Masons… To promote Freemasonry in the World of Motorcycles… To promote Motorcycles in the World of Freemasonry…. And To support the Charities of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association.

Those who serve our Chapter: July 2023 - June 2024

President Daryl "The King" Cox
Vice President Terry "Buzzman" Buzzard
Secretary Stewart "Brewzer" Kilkenny
Treasurer Jeremy "Remejy" Graham
S.A.A Stephen "Joker" Tarver
G.O.M Chris "Sprinkles" Gordon
Chaplain Tim "TC" Adams
Trustee 1 J.J. "Skyway" Geiniman
Trustee 2 George "Big George" Parker, Sr.
Trustee 3 Rob "Stogie" Bogard

Past Presidents:

2023-Current Daryl Cox
2021-2022 Willie Moore
2019-2020 Brian Knoll
2018 Mike Lincoln
2015-2017 Bret Bennett
2014 Neal Wengatz
2013 Tony Sykes / Neal Wengatz
2011-2012 Larry Knoll
2010 Rob McCafferty / Larry Knoll
2008-2009 Rob McCafferty
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